Gayle Woody left home for college on the other side of the country, spent her career as an art educator, and now works in the studio where her father turned wooden bowls. Gayle’s biggest influence is her connection to nature. Her studio, attached to the 1880 family farmhouse, is frequently visited by wildlife and seasonally surrounded by wildflowers and native plants. Gayle says she has the curse of the art teacher: she dabbles in many forms and style.
She focuses her work on printmaking, ceramic tiles, and book making. Her block prints are cut from linoleum and printed on paper she makes from wasp’s nests. Her ceramic tiles are formed by pressing a carved image into clay and then bisque firing them. She uses Coptic binding for her books with pages made of cotton or linen.
Gayle’s studio usually has work in various stages of creation, tables to work on, completed work for sale, and the energized disorder of the creative process. Visitors can view and purchase her work. They can enjoy seeing the many stages of creation, including the pressing of prints and even the blender where Gayle grinds up wasp nests for her paper!
Open by Appointment