Farmers Markets in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina
Visitors are discovering local foods and local culture at farmers’ markets in small towns throughout North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Farm fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, artisan cheeses, and breads are available at most markets in the spring, summer, and fall.
While locally grown food is also sold in many supermarkets throughout the region, there’s nothing like the taste of a veggie that slept in the garden the night before it was purchased.
The North Carolina Farm Fresh website provides listings of local farmers markets, as well as farms and roadside stands.
The NC Farmers Market Near Asheville
The state-owned WNC Farmers Market in Asheville is open year-round. Most other farmers’ markets operate between late April and the end of October in small communities. Visitors may also find great produce and good value at roadside stands and with tailgate vendors.
The Local Food Movement and Organic Farmers Markets in NC
The Appalachian Sustainable Agricultural Project (ASAP) works to create and expand local food markets that will preserve the region’s agricultural heritage, provide greater access to fresh, healthy food, and keep local farmers farming. The organization publishes a Local Food Guide which lists all the farmers markets in the region as well as markets, grocers, and restaurants that are committed to using locally grown products.
North Carolina’s mountains and foothills are also home to many organic farmers markets, as well as organic farms and CSA’s. Visitors and residents can find meats, dairy, vegetables and herbs at the local organic farmers market in spring, summer and fall. Local restaurants also purchase from organic farmers markets in order to offer higher quality, healthier meals. The Asheville Convention and Visitor Bureau also provides a list of farmers markets and includes sustainable and organic listings.