A variety of organizations offer technical assistance, instruction, funding, archives, and other resources to assist with efforts to preserve and promote the craft heritage of Western North Carolina.
Center for Craft, Creativity and Design
CCCD is a regional center of the University of North Carolina which works to support and advance craft, creativity and design in education and research and, through community collaborations, to demonstrate ways craft and design provide creative solutions for community issues
Craft Revival: Shaping Western North Carolina Past and Present
A website and digital archive providing a history of the effort to revive handcraft in Western North Carolina. The website is a project of the Hunter Library of Western Carolina University.
Discover Craft NC
The Celebration of North Carolina Craft was a two-year, statewide showcase of North Carolina craft tradition, artisans and products in 2004 – 2005. The many craft organizations, including galleries and studios, that took part in the event can be found on the Discover Craft NC website.
HandMade in America
One of the best resources for information about crafts in the North Carolina mountains is HandMade in America. Started in 1995 as an economic revitalization initiative, the organization supports the handcraft industry throughout the region by providing business and financial support, public relations and education for craftspeople. It has compiled a comprehensive Crafts Registry and published The Craft Heritage Trails of Western North Carolina guidebook.
John C. Campbell Folk School
The Folk School offers week-long and weekend instruction in a variety of crafts including basketry, jewelry, quilting, weaving, clay, glass, woodworking, woodcarving and blacksmithing.
Penland School of Crafts
Penland School of Crafts is a national center for craft education located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. Penland offers one-, two-, and eight-week workshops in books & paper, clay, drawing, glass, iron, metals, photography, printmaking, textiles and wood. The school also sponsors artists’ residencies, educational outreach programs and a craft gallery.
Qualla Arts and Crafts
Qualla Arts and Crafts is a nonprofit cooperative which markets the work of over 300 Cherokee artists and works to preserve authentic Cherokee craft traditions. It operates a retail shop in Cherokee, NC.
Southern Highlands Craft Guild
The Southern Highlands Craft Guild, chartered in 1930, is one of the nation’s strongest craft organizations, representing more than 900 craftspeople throughout the Southeastern United States. Headquartered in Asheville, the Guild operates three retail shops in Western North Carolina which exclusively feature Guild members’ work. The Guild’s website provides direct links to members’ websites.
Arts Councils
North Carolina Arts Council
The North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the state’s Department of Cultural Resources, provides technical assistance, resource information and grants to artists and non-profit organizations. The NC Arts Council’s website includes an extensive database of artists, art organizations and related information.
Western Arts Agencies of North Carolina
Western Arts Agencies of North Carolina is a supportive peer network of 21 members representing local arts organizers and presenters in 20 counties in Western North Carolina. The group is dedicated to sharing information, technical assistance and cooperative programming to strengthen and expand the services of member agencies and promote Appalachian arts and cultural traditions. A list of member agencies is available on its website.
Alleghany County Arts Council
Sparta, NC
(336) 372-2578
Arts Council of Macon County
Franklin, NC
(828) 524-7683
Cultural Arts Council of Wilkes
The Arts Council of Henderson County
Toe River Arts Council (Mitchell and Yancey Counties)