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Starfangled Press
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Starfangled Press is an artist-run printmaking studio and gallery in downtown Brevard with a passion for hand printed original art. Founded by Kristen Necessary, the studio launched in 2015 based on the idea that connecting with original, contemporary art makes everyone’s life better. In service to its mission to connect more art to people’s everyday life, Starfangled Press celebrates the process of printmaking for its rich history and egalitarian tradition of making fine art at affordable prices. They strive to create exceptional and accessible original art using the techniques of woodcut, etching, screenprint, and letterpress. All artwork is hand drawn, all printing blocks handcrafted, and each impression individually printed by hand on an antique printing press in the on-site studio.

Before inkjet and other new ways of printing were invented for use with computers, everything was printed in one of only four basic ways: relief, intaglio, stencil, and planographic. Embracing both time-honored and innovative approaches, Starfangled Press continues to work within these four basic categories to create original prints using the techniques of woodcut, etching, screenprint, and letterpress.

Starfangled Press creates and showcase original prints created by an artist as an original artwork in their own right. They offer work from 16 local and 6 national artists and supplies for those looking to make prints at home. All of the original prints displayed are printed by hand with top-quality materials from a plate, block, or screen on which the artist has directly worked. Visitors to the shop can tour the studio and enjoy our dynamic gallery space that brings new and exciting contemporary art to the local community with a variety of emerging national artists working in print media.

Monday-Friday 1–5 pm, Saturday 11 am-6 pm, Sunday 12-4 pm

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