First established in 2006, The Spruce Pine Potters Market is an annual show of potters who primarily live and work in Mitchell and Yancey Counties. The membership is comprised of esteemed elders (those potters who have been working in the field 40 plus years), established contemporaries, and emerging artists. Visiting artists are invited each year to exhibit their work. This unique combination of artists sets the stage for a dynamic show.
Most of those displaying work are full-time makers who support themselves with their craft. Most also have ties to Penland School of Craft, whose rich history in the region brought many of the artists to this area which they now call home. The event is managed as a collective by participating members. An organized system of rotating committees allows members to uphold their original vision of a simple, high-quality local show. There is an abundant variety of techniques and processes on display, as each participant has a unique approach to their clay work.
The Spruce Pine Potters Market is a rare opportunity to find bodies of work from accomplished members of this close community of friends and colleagues all in one place. Visitors will see a vibrant show featuring a breadth of styles and an overall quality that is hard to find elsewhere. Held each year on the second weekend of October in a repurposed textile factory with tall windows and original wooden floors, the market showcases the pottery as well as the beauty of the surrounding mountains.
Hours: Held every year on the second weekend of October