Lisa Reavis Drum’s work is driven by a general idea: take things that others would throw away and turn them into something beautiful. This effort takes many forms, but it doesn’t take a visitor to Lisa’s studio long to notice the colors and the unexpected creations. She dreams of reality made abstract, weaving small slices of life together until the interplay of color, texture, and pattern within are revealed. Her work manifests in many forms of textiles, as well as plastics, acrylic painting, paper, metal, and aluminum cans. There is no shortage of surprises inside Lisa’ studio on the campus of the Yadkin Cultural Arts Center (YCAC).
Located in a row of studios and adjacent to the galleries, theatre, and bistro that YCAC offers, Lisa’s studio functions as gallery, studio, and gathering spot. Her work is displayed on the walls, on the floors, and up to the ceilings. A wide range of Lisa’s work is offered with a wide range of pricing.
Lisa also teaches classes in beginning fabric collage, fabric pendants, paper flowers, floor cloths, calligraphy, weaving pet mats, paint-your-pet, marble painting, mini-barn quilts painting, fabric mosaic, and stick art. Her classes are offered at YVCAC and the Florence Thomas Art School in West Jefferson.
Tues-Fri 11:00-4:00