Laura Wood’s creative endeavors first took the form of dance but shifted to contemporary jewelry during her time in college. Dance has never left her work, though. Today, at Laura Wood Studios in West Asheville, Laura brings movement into everything she creates. Sculptural forms are thoughtfully engineered for the body and are intended to contribute to daily experience.
Her jewelry is represented in galleries and exhibitions nationally and internationally and has been exhibited in widely celebrated craft expositions including the Smithsonian Craft Show in Washington, DC. Laura’s work is among the permanent collections of the Gregg Museum of Art at North Carolina State University (NC), The Racine Art Museum (WI), The Mint Museum (NC), The Enamel Arts Foundation in Los Angeles (CA), The Philadelphia Museum of Art (PA), Yale University Art Gallery (CT), Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts (AR), and The Crocker Art Museum (CA).
Visitors to Laura Wood Studios will see a dynamic studio space in action: jewelry works in progress, experimentation, and ideas taking shape. The Studio Shop showcases work from Laura’s multiple collections as well as work from her creative friends and unique collaborations she’s developed with yet more creative friends. The studio is always filled with color and materials unique to her process.
Open by appointment.