Terry Thirion and her husband had a home in Hot Springs for more than two decades before they decided to move there full-time. Once they made the move, Terry needed a studio. Originally from Belgium, Terry has been a painter for more than 40 years. She found an ideal building for her studio that had additional space. She decided to turn that space into Gallery 339 where she shows her work as well as the art and crafts of a number of others.
The stone building that is home to Gallery 339 is located just outside of the heart of Hot Springs. Shows in the gallery usually rotate every 4-6 weeks. The Appalachian Trail runs through only two towns in its more than 2,190 miles, and Hot Springs is one of them. Terry keeps art supplies stocked for through hikers to turn the inspiration of the trail into art.
Visitors to Gallery 339 will find plenty of parking and an accessible facility. The showroom features work from numerous artists and crafters from the region and abroad. Work on display could include wall art, paintings, carvings, pastel paintings, pottery, clay works, and textiles. Terry keeps her eyes open for new work and new creators to bring into the space.
Hours: Monday, Thursday-Saturday 12-4 pm