Turchin Center for the Visual Arts
An Appalachian Summer Festival: The Turchin Center’s Faculty Biennial Exhibition
Turchin Center for the Visual Arts 423 W King St Rivers St, Boone, North Carolina, United StatesTurchin Center Curator Mary Anne Redding moderates a panel discussion with Appalachian State University Art Department faculty members featured in the current biennial exhibition, which will be exhibited at the Turchin Center and in the Smith Gallery of the Schaefer Center. Learn about the work and practice of AppState’s esteemed artists and professors, with an […]
Summer Exhibition Celebration
Turchin Center for the Visual Arts 423 W King St Rivers St, Boone, North Carolina, United StatesCelebrate summer and the opening of new exhibitions at the Turchin Center for the Visual Arts – explore, discover and connect through the arts! This is an opportunity for art lovers to surround themselves with stunning artwork and meet the accomplished artists exhibiting in the galleries at the Turchin Center. Spend time with fellow community […]
Summer Exhibition Celebration at the Turchin Center
Turchin Center for the Visual Arts 423 W King St Rivers St, Boone, North Carolina, United StatesCelebrate summer at the Turchin Center and “engage, discover and connect through the arts!” The Summer Exhibition Celebration is an opportunity for art lovers to meet the artists, enjoy refreshments, and spend time with fellow arts patrons, while viewing the featured exhibitions in one of the most exciting venues in town: a collection of seven […]