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Tim Gardner

Tim Gardner

Old-time and bluegrass fiddler Tim Gardner has been around traditional music since his early childhood,...
Cecil Garganus

Cecil Gurganus

Since the 1970s, Cecil Gurganus has been an active member of Watauga County's old-time music...
Josh Hayes

Josh Hayes

"Old-time music makes me happy," says Josh Hayes. He grew up in Wilkes and Watauga...
Todd Frashier

Todd Frashier

"I have always loved music," says Rutherford County native Todd Frashier. "However, I particularly enjoy...
John Cockman

John Cockman

John Cockman has been playing and singing bluegrass and bluegrass gospel music with his family...
Rob Baskerville

Rob Baskerville

"Surprisingly, most of my influences are harp players," says blues guitar player Rob Baskerville. "I...
Lynsey Rice

Lynsey Rice

Lynsey Rice, a young clogger, flatfooter, and buck dancer, says she will never forget her...
Martin Fox

Martin Fox

Fiddler and photographer Martin Fox has spent most of his adult life in the mountains...