The sheer face of Looking Glass Rock, located in the Pisgah National Forest near Brevard, NC, makes it one of the best rock climbing venues in the state. The striking landmark is also an attraction for hikers, sightseers, and photographers.
Rising to 3,969 feet, Looking Glass Rock is comprised of exposed Whiteside granite that was formed approximately 390 million years ago. Geologists refer to it as a “pluton,” a big ball of granitic rock that would have become a volcano had it not cooled before it reached the earth’s surface. The name “Looking Glass” is derived from its appearance when rainwater freezes on its surface and reflects the sun like a mirror.
Hiking is popular along a strenuous 6.2-mile (round-trip) trail, which offers fantastic views after the climb to the top. Looking Glass Rock is also a major attraction for birders, because it is a prime nesting area of the peregrine falcon.
Looking Glass Rock is set amidst a landscape of waterfalls. Popular falls nearby Brevard, NC include Looking Glass Falls, Moore Cove Falls, and Sliding Rock Falls.
Hours of Operation
Admission Fees
The Looking Glass Rock trailhead is located on FR 475 off US Hwy 276, about 10 miles north of Brevard, NC. Looking Glass Rock can be seen from the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 417.
US Forest Service/National Forests in North Carolina
Pisgah Ranger District Office
1001 Pisgah Highway
Pisgah Forest, NC 28768
(828) 877-3265