This unique educational museum was opened in 2001, fulfilling local citizens’ desire to instill respect and etiquette for the flag of the United States of America. As the flag collection grew to over 300 different flags the educational role of the Museum also grew. All flags are full-size faithful reproductions accompanied with detailed descriptions of their story. Self-guided tours or narrated tours are available in this handicap accessible facility in downtown Columbus.
The tour begins with the “Defenders of Freedom” collection of military service and religious flags. Note the braille-tactile flags displayed here and in the other rooms. Next the “Birth of a Nation” collection displays flags of our founding countries and the Revolutionary War era. See “how our flag got its stripes” here.
The third room represents “The Price of Liberty” with flags from the War of 1812, Texas Republic, Civil War, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Gulf Wars, Iraq & Afghanistan wars. Flags commemorating the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks are also on display here. A special display of the “Liberty Cap Flags” shows our earliest symbol of freedom.
Last is the “United States of America” room complete with all 27 official U.S. flags, from 13 to 50 stars, and the accompanying state and territory flags..
Free and open to the public
Tuesday / Thursday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m