The Blue Ridge National Heritage Area invites its partners in Henderson, Rutherford, Transylvania and Polk counties to a special workshop designed to provide information on how to connect to the Blue Ridge Music Trails in meaningful ways that will benefit you.
Date: Thursday, December 11
Time: 10 AM to 12 PM
Place: Bullington Gardens, 95 Upper Red Oak Trail, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Cost: $10 per person, includes refreshments
Make your reservation today by calling Amy Hollifield at 828-928-5330, ext. 303 OR email at
You’ve heard about this exciting project; you may have attended one of the Listening Sessions held in 2013. Your input and interest have helped to guide the development of this project.
Now come and learn how to participate in the BRMT website, take home a toolkit for marketing your traditional music-related events/businesses, and how you can become part of the bigger traditional music picture in Western North Carolina.