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Charlotte Ross

Charlotte Ross

Charlotte Ross, also known as "the Legend Lady," has collected or composed more than 3,400...
Eve Miranda

Eve Miranda

"My great-great grandma, my great-grandma, and my grandma were all herb women, called 'yarb women'"...
Bobby McMillon

Bobby McMillon

Robert Lynn "Bobby" McMillon, a North Carolina Folk Heritage Award recipient, was heir to numerous...
Mike Lowe

Mike Lowe

Mike Lowe grew up in a sawmilling family in Mount Airy hearing labor stories from...
Ila Hatter

Ila Hatter

Ila Hatter was born into a family of resourceful people. Her mother and grandmother, she...
David Holt

David Holt

David Holt is a four-time Grammy Award winner who has toured full-time as a folk...
Doug Elliott

Doug Elliott

Doug Elliott was raised in Maryland where he developed a passion for the natural world...
Gary Carden

Gary Carden

"The first stories that I heard weren't at a storytelling festival," writes Gary Carden, "nor...
Bill Carson

Bill Carson

Bill Carson has owned and operated the Orchard at Altapass since 1995, immersing himself in...