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Shirley Taylor

Shirley Taylor

Shirley Taylor makes white oak baskets dyed with walnut and bloodroot. She can also demonstrate...
Bud Smith

Bud Smith

Bud Smith carves wood into bears, birds, and other lively figures. He teaches workshops in...
Emily Smith

Emily Smith

Emily Smith makes white oak baskets and honeysuckle baskets with materials gathered from the woods...
Richard Sanooke

Richard Saunooke

Richard Saunooke has been creating historically accurate and beautiful Native American dress and crafts for...
Joel Queen

Joel Queen

Joel Queen is a ninth-generation potter, who traces his pottery lineage through the Bigmeat family...
Polly Rattler

Polly Rattler

Polly Rattler teaches hands-on workshops in corn shuck doll making, beadwork, and miniature basketmaking. She...
Bob Reed

Bob Reed

Bob Reed demonstrates the making of arrowheads, blowguns, and blowgun darts as well as the...
Freeman Owle

Freeman Owle

Freeman Owle tells traditional Cherokee stories, carves wood and stone, and talks about Cherokee culture...
Melissa Maney

Melissa Ann Maney

Melissa Ann Maney demonstrates traditional pottery making and also teaches hands-on pottery classes to groups...